Michael McKee  September 26, 2013

I have known Feng since 2007–six years. I was superintendent of the Stonington Public Schools and had made my first trip to China. (I’ve been there seven times for work related issues.) Feng approached me about teaching Mandarin in the school system and I helped him into the alternate path to teacher certification. He now is one of only a few people certified to teach Mandarin in CT. Feng immediately began teaching Mandarin for the town’s continuing education program and I enrolled in his classes. When I was able to get Mandarin added as a course in the school system, Feng was hired to teach. He was a masterful teacher–dedicated, talented, and progressive. He and I planned a trip to China for citizens of the town–students, business leaders, school leaders, teachers, and parents. Feng served as the point person to line up sites to visit, chartering buses, getting visas, arranging hotel accommodations, and serving as interpreter. We visited four cities in a ten day stay. After that, Feng arranged other trips for the community and all trips were greatly successful. He did all the work arranging all these trips. People love him. His English is as good as yours and mine and he knows how to provide a tour that the participants thoroughly enjoy. Nothing goes wrong. He is a tremendous teacher and tour director. Foremost he is a leader who has integrity and the will to go above the bar in everything he does. I recommend him highly to join your organization.”

John DeCiantis October 4, 2013

Feng was my guide for two trips to China. They were the most fascinating experiences in my life’s adventures. As a language teacher I know Feng to be caring, patient and knowledgeable.”







Patricia Logan October 15, 2013

You have a very impressive resume and many interests. I cannot believe I have been in your class for one year. One year went very fast and I have
learned a lot about your language and the Chinese culture. In addition, taking your class has helped me to connect with students from China who
are learning English at Literacy Volunteers of Washington County, Westerly, RI. I believe it is very important for people from different cultures to learn about each other. By doing this hopefully we can make the world a friendlier place to live in. Thank you again for making your class so interesting with music, movies and sharing good food together.